VPA : Chelsea Flowers lead into our Plant Sale this Sunday 24 May, 10am

What a bonus this week, we have all been able to ‘visit’ the virtual Chelsea Flower Show. Go to https://www.rhs.org.uk/shows-events/virtual-chelsea to catch up and see the daily events; on until 23 May.  Then …….

This Sunday, 24 May, (10.00 to 12noon) the socially distanced Plant Sale will be at the Village Hall car park, Church Road.  Please come along and see what bargains you can pick up.  Any plant donations can be collected from you in advance or can be delivered at 9.00am on 24 May. Full details at https://lgvpa.org/2020/05/11/vpa-plant-sale/   We look forward to seeing you.

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VPA Plant Sale

“Where have all the flowers gone” ……. I woke up with this song in my head, the committee having discussed what might be possible to organise on Sunday 24 May 2020 for the VPA PLANT SALE (10.00am to 12noon).  The flowers, and indeed vegetables, have far from gone with everything having started to sprout and flourish very early this year.

We are aware that some people have grown extra for donation to the sale and consequently we have evaluated how to organise safely, a fairly low key Plant Sale (no cakes this year)

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New VPA Young Gardeners Page Launched

Welcome to VPA Young Gardeners!

It is springtime, and this is one of the most magical times of the year for gardeners. The VPA would like to share some of this magic with all the children and families in the village and the surrounding area.  Our new VPA Young Gardeners page has been designed to give you some ideas of how to enjoy your garden even more.

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