Welcome to the new VPA Website at LGVPA.org, the online home of Little Gaddesden VPA! You can write our address in caps or lower case: LGVPA.ORG and lvgpa.org work just as well, whether as a web address or as part of an email address.
We have launched this new website in time for the Summer Show 2019, which you can enter online. We hope you enjoy using the site and can easily find your way around. There’s a menu at the top of each page, and also down at the end of the footer at the bottom.
As well as the Summer Show 2019, we have details of other forthcoming VPA Events, some information About the VPA and a News page, which will be the home of future newsletters. And don’t miss our Little Gaddesden-specific Weather forecast! It should give useful early warnings of heatwaves (if we get any more this summer) and frosts as winter approaches.
Over the coming weeks and months we will be adding more features to the VPA website, so keep coming back to check what’s happening as we roll things out.
In the meantime, if you spot any typos or glitches, please let Andrew Sheard know by emailing him at wp-admin@LGVPA.org.
Header image: seed head of Pulsitilla vulgaris (the Pasque Anemone). Credit: Alison Townsend