Don’t forget to get your Winter Show entries in!

Hi All

Just a reminder to get your entries in as soon as possible please. The sooner we receive them we can do the preparation of the entry cards and work out spacing for the entries on the tables.

The web site contains the programme and entry form for the Winter Show. VPA Winter Show – Little Gaddesden VPA (

You can either make your entry online and pay fees to Janet on the day or drop your entries and fee to Alastair Greene 1 Pond Lane (01442 843667) or Phil Bunting at 9 Cromer Close. (07505 248940)

The judge was pleased with the photographs submitted last year and this year the four categories are quite open and many relate to the village.

‘Sunset or Sunrise in Little Gaddesden’

‘Architecture or Buildings in Little Gaddesden’

Translucent: “Look Through”
       (not transparent or clear glass; try ice, plastic, sheers or coloured glass)

‘Local Landscapes’

The four classes for Pets are 1. Dogs, 2. Cats, 3. Rabbits or Guinea Pigs, and 4. Any other small pet.

This division will be judged on the following criteria

Knowledge of feeding, Good temperament, Care and grooming and Good health and condition

If you are aged 5 to 16 years inclusive and love your pet, why not make an entry, see instructions in the programme.

Come along on Saturday morning 3rd Feb to stage your entries, judging begins at 11am and then we are open to the public from 2.30pm for viewing and refreshments will be available from our cafe team. We look forward to seeing everyone on the day and don’t forget to bring some cash for the raffle.

Winter Show entries, programme now online

Hi All

Just to let you know that our web site now contains the programme and entry form for the Winter Show. VPA Winter Show – Little Gaddesden VPA (

Entries are now invited and can either be online and pay fees to Janet on the day or drop your entries and fee to Alastair Greene 1 Pond Lane (01442 843667) or Phil Bunting at 9 Cromer Close. (07505 248940)

You have until 8pm on Wednesday 31st January to fill in the entry form and get it to us but the sooner we have them coming in, the better we can be prepared for the day.

We would love there to be more Children’s entries this time and also we have so many Gentlemen in the village but so few cakes in the special Gentleman’s cake category!

Why not give it a try, if it looks like a cake when you’ve finished bring it along! The more entries the merrier, its Apple Cake this year.

The judge was pleased with the photographs submitted last year and this year the four categories are quite open and many relate to the village.

‘Sunset or Sunrise in Little Gaddesden’

‘Architecture or Buildings in Little Gaddesden’

Translucent: “Look Through”
       (not transparent or clear glass; try ice, plastic, sheers or coloured glass)

‘Local Landscapes’

The four classes for Pets are 1. Dogs, 2. Cats, 3. Rabbits or Guinea Pigs, and 4. Any other small pet.

This division will be judged on the following criteria

Knowledge of feeding, Good temperament, Care and grooming and Good health and condition

If you are aged 5 to 16 years inclusive and love your pet, why not make an entry, see instructions in the programme.

Please submit your entry forms by 31st January and then come along on Saturday morning 3rd Feb to stage your entries, judging begins at 11am and then we are open to the public from 2.30pm for viewing and refreshments will be available from our cafe team. We look forward to seeing everyone on the day and don’t forget to bring some cash for the raffle.

Winter Show is on Feb. 3rd

Happy New Year to all our members

Your Committee is hard at work setting up the Winter Show, so this is just advance notice and if you haven’t already got it in your brand new diary, it’s Saturday 3rd Feb in the Village Hall.

We will have all the usual favourites, Fruit and Vegetables, Cookery, Floral Art, Home made Wines and Spirits and Juices, Photography & Handicraft, Pets and of course Children’s Classes.

Programmes and Entry forms are being prepared and will shortly be available online and in the Village Shop.

Entries will need to be submitted by 31st January.

More information to follow next week.

Congratulations to the Short Planks

David Brattle and his team played very well to pip the other teams and hold on to the shield for another year.

In a close fought battle 10 teams were rarely far apart and the choice of the Joker round was critical and was where the winners stepped forward.

Our Quizmaster, Shaun, kept us all focussed and entertained, Julia and her team, plus Glenda on the traditional starter, provided the fuel, the drinks flowed and the brains were working overtime.

Thanks to Faye for managing all the requests for teas and coffees and creating super flower decorations and wall hangings, that made the hall look so inviting. Thanks to Janet in her role as raffle Queen and Elliott for supporting her.

The quiz writer Stuart could not be there last night but Linda his wife and Judie, who were the hard working scorers on the top table, will feed back to him that the questions were well set.

June Abraham was our organiser right up to the night before and did everything to make the event a success before jetting off to the sun.

Many thanks finally to all our members and friends who made it such an enjoyable evening.

4 days to go to the Quiz

Hi Everyone

We are virtually sold out for the quiz with just a few spaces left on a couple of tables. If you want to join us please let June Abraham know by early Wednesday morning, (07760 144057).

Please arrive around 6pm on Saturday for a glass of sparkly because we plan to kick off the quiz at 6.30pm

Look forward to seeing you all

11 days to go until the VPA Harvest Supper Quiz night

Saturday 30th September at the Village Hall.   

Doors open at 6.00pm, quiz starts at 6.30

We still have some tickets left and gaps on a few tables to fill

It’s a three course meal, quiz, raffle and a welcoming glass of Prosecco/soft drink, all for £25 per head.

Quiz host Shaun McCarthy will run the quiz, Janet the raffle and Julia Maddox the catering. This year it is bring your own drink, we’ll supply the glasses.

It is tables of eight but if you haven’t got an eight we will be able to create a team for you to join, so whether you are singles, couples or full teams let us know.

Tickets can be purchased from Alastair Greene (07900 052753) or June Abraham (07760 144057);; or at the VPA Store, payment by cash, cheque or bank transfer to Sort code: 09-01-51: Account number: 48549306;

Account name: Gaddesden District Village Produce. (Please give your surname as the reference and the word ‘Quiz’). Any special dietary requirements please advise when purchasing tickets; where possible send details to:

We look forward to seeing you.

Harvest Supper and Quiz Night

Your Committee would like to welcome you to the next event on:-
Saturday 30th Sept.    At the Village Hall.   

Doors open at 6.00pm, quiz starts at 6.30

Three course meal, quiz, raffle and a welcoming glass of Prosecco/soft drink, all for £25 per head.

Quiz host Shaun McCarthy will run the quiz, Janet the raffle and Julia Maddox the catering. This year it is bring your own drink, we’ll supply the glasses.

It is tables of eight but if you haven’t got an eight we will be able to create a team for you to join, so whether you are singles, couples or full teams let us know.
Tables are going fast, so buy your tickets now to avoid missing out on the night.

Tickets can be purchased from Alastair Greene (07900 052753) or June Abraham (07760 144057);; or at the VPA Store, payment by cash, cheque or bank transfer to Sort code: 09-01-51: Account number: 48549306;

Account name: Gaddesden District Village Produce. (Please give your surname as the reference and the word ‘Quiz’). Any special dietary requirements please advise when purchasing tickets; where possible send details to:

See last years event above and winning table below.

Summer Show results & Harvest Supper (30th Sept)

A big thank you to all involved in the 75th Anniversary Summer Show. We asked for loads of entries and you delivered! We had over 300 entries, wonderful quality and hugely colourful.

Thanks to all the volunteers who made the day such fun, including the kitchen team, the Committee, those that baked for the kitchen, Janet for the Raffle and Terry for presenting the prizes, the full list of prize winners was published on the web site the same day by Andrew. Follow the link to see the results VPA Summer Show – Little Gaddesden VPA (

The headlines were made by Phil Bunting who took away an armful of cups, very well deserved, such a breadth of entries and brilliant quality. Sarah Jane Green was not far behind Phil, she won three cups across Floral Art and Cookery.

Other winners included Mandy Haynes, Rachel Heaphy, Jeff Masters and youngsters Pom Wise and Willow Hyde.

Finally under the winners, Sebastion Bachmann (Aged 4) was the winner of the tallest sunflower at a huge height of 297cm (just under 10 feet high) and also won the widest sunflower head, so well done to Sebastion.

We are now preparing for the Harvest Supper which will as usual be in the Village Hall.

Saturday Sept 30th

We are delighted that Shaun will be our quiz master again this year and Julia our caterer.

Some of the keen quizzers have already requested tables, so do make a reservation with a Committee Member asap to avoid missing out. Usual format of 8 to a table, price per head to be advised.

Don’t forget to get your entry in by Wednesday night!

Hi All

Just a reminder that the show is now less than a week away, (Saturday 19th Aug in the Village Hall)

A member of the VPA fortunately queried an item in the schedule. Unfortunately an error has occurred with class 43. The correction is as follows:

Class 43 : 5 Annuals
Class 43A: 1 vase of pinks

In Class 49 : 1 vase of mixed garden flowers – please display in whatever receptacle you choose (vase, jug or similar).

Summer Show details are on the link below.

VPA Summer Show – Little Gaddesden VPA (

Please check the schedule and see if there are some entries you can make. You can make entries online or if you prefer download an entry form from the web site or pick one up from the Village shop or VPA Store and drop the completed form to Phil Bunting at 9 Cromer Close or Alastair Greene at 1 Pond Lane. Entries need to be with us by 8pm Wednesday 16th August. Don’t forget to notify us of your sunflower entries too, prizes for tallest sunflower and largest sunflower head. Judges will visit your garden on Thursday 17th to measure and record.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 19th, 8.30am to 11am for staging your entry or at 2.30pm when we open for viewing and refreshments. Prizegiving and raffle 3.30ish.

Just a reminder to get ready for the Summer show

Hi All

Just a reminder that the show is only two weeks away, (Saturday 19th Aug in the Village Hall) so the Committee are hard at work with pre-show prep, stewards are ready, judges have been appointed, we are shining the silverware, hoping that our 75th Anniversary show will be a bumper one for entries.

Are you ready too?

The entry form is now live and working on the web site thanks to Andrew Sheard. Just click on the link below.

VPA Summer Show – Little Gaddesden VPA (

Please check the schedule and see if there are some entries you can make. You can make them online or if you prefer download an entry form from the web site or pick one up from the Village shop and drop the completed form to Phil Bunting at 9 Cromer Close or Alastair Greene at 1 Pond Lane. Entries need to be with us by 8pm Wednesday 16th August. Don’t forget to notify us of your sunflower entries too, prizes for tallest and largest head. Judges will visit your garden on Thursday 17th to measure and record. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 19th, 8.30am to 11am for staging your entry or 2.30pm we open for viewing. Prizegiving and raffle 3.30ish.