We are absolutely delighted …… we had a very successful Winter Show ….. the hall was over-flowing with supporters coming to view all the entries which numbered around 250 in total. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this traditional event such a success for us all to enjoy. Congratulations to everyone who was able to enter and particularly to the winners of prizes (details listed on our web site https://lgvpa.org/vpa-events/vpa-winter-show/). We are very thankful to our judges and we now know where to go to taste exquisite sloe gin; taste a variety of delicious cooking; view beautiful pictures and so much more. Scroll down to see a few images from the day.
You will recall the situation that prevailed upon the VPA at the year end but due to several people coming forward, organising a show was the desire albeit on a short time scale to organise the many facets required; consequently an added thank you for rallying round to create entries and apologies for such a short time frame.
Looking ahead the next events to be arranged are: the Summer Show set for Saturday 19 August 2023; we also aim to organise an AGM along with a plant sale around the coronation weekend if that’s possible. The Harvest Supper and Quiz is set for Saturday 30 September 2023. Please mark your diaries accordingly. It is also the 75th anniversary of the formation of the VPA in Little Gaddesden https://lgvpa.org/about/history/; we are looking for ideas of how we should mark the occasion throughout the year, please send us your ideas?
The summer show schedule will be reviewed very shortly and made available to aid your decisions on what seeds to plant up.
For the plant sale we appreciate all donations that you can offer: “Sow a tray for the VPA” please; look out for further details on posters and social media.

The VPA is an affiliated society to the RHS which has been renewed and as part of our membership we now have a RHS Garden Entry Discount Card which we can make available to share with our members; it offers two adults a 50% discount off entry to any RHS Garden (Bridgewater, Harlow Carr, Hyde Hall, Rosemoor and Wisley); excludes Flower Shows and Glow illuminations events. If there is interest in taking a day trip to the Chelsea Flower Show in May 2023 please let us know asap: hello@lgvpa.org.
Solely due to the interest shown by Elliot Bachmann the Store will be opening from 26 February 2023; advance requirement notifications welcomed during the year to help with monitoring stock levels and placing orders with suppliers (being a small enterprise we are likely to have a two week processing window) store@lgvpa.org
A separate communication will be sent out to the kindly folk who have offered their time to support the two hour store opening slot on Sunday’s; get in touch to add your name to the list, the more volunteers we have, the less frequent mornings are required of one person store@lgvpa.org If you are available on Sunday 26 February please pop along when a mini-training induction will be available to get everyone started; this will be very low key but ensure you are supported and feel confident in what is required.
For anyone needing guidance in pruning our friend Alison Townsend can provide a teach-in (your garden or hers) during February and March on how to keep your plants in good productive order. A donation to either Teenage Cancer Trust or the Hospice of St Francis is requested in return for her guidance. If interested get in touch with Alison directly, 07490 954980 / gardeninspirations2000@gmail.com.
Looking forward to seeing you in Store: The VPA garden store NEEDS YOU 👉 footfall must grow.
From your Committee