Here we go, and we are off (please read all of this news item for full details of the Winter Show and we would love you to take part). We are hopeful that a few people may have the odd vegetable left to enter (including ugly ones!), but there are plenty of other classes to consider, all the regular favourites.
The schedule has been revised for 2023 and ready for your perusal. It is accessible from the web site to print yourself and for you to send your show entries in via the on-line form.
Both the programme and the entry form can be printed onto A4 for each page, or if your printer supports the two-sided option of ‘Booklet’ it will do just that, A5 size (fold A4 in half when printed).
However, printed copies are available to be collected from the village shop (thanks to Sonal and Raj). If you wish to hand in your entry form rather than submit on-line, then please deliver to Janet Stinton or Alastair Greene (address details on the entry form).
If anyone is aware of someone that needs a programme/entry form delivered directly to their house please let a committee member know and we will arrange
Please can the previous years cup winners ensure they are polished and returned in good time. Rachel Heaphy has a tick list to ensure all are accounted for and in pride of place for the 2023 winners.
If you are able to make a cake to contribute towards the refreshments on sale whilst everyone is viewing the entries (from 2:30pm), please let us know.
You have two weeks to plan your entries and contribute to making it a great show for the village to enjoy. Good luck with your entries
Planning ahead for your summer seeds
You will be starting to look at what seeds to order for the growing season and the following no fuss video guides by Alan Titchmarsh provides tips on ordering seed from catalogues so take a look.
The VPA Committee are now eleven in number, they together with the volunteers who have come forward to take a turn in the store on Sunday mornings will take the VPA onwards into 2023 – further details of how to volunteer will follow in a later newsletter.
If you are needing to top up your bird food supplies, or anything else from the VPA Store, please get in touch so we can fulfil your requests.