Just a reminder about the plant sale today at the Village Hall car park starting at 10am.
If you have plants to donate please bring them to the hall between 8-9am. We are happy to receive any plant donations, whether they be fruit or vegetable seedlings or border plants, annuals or perennials. Dig them up and bring them along!
Please label the plants with their names if possible!Otherwise we will do our best to identify them!
Just a reminder about the plant sale on Sunday May 19th at the Village Hall car park starting at 10am.
If you have plants to donate please bring them to the Village hall between 8-9am on the day or leave in advance with Kate at Christmas House (on the left on the road out towards Ringshall, Ring 07973 830081).
Please label the plants with their names if possible!
Confirmation that the doors at the Thomas Field Hall, next to the Church at Little Gaddesden, open at 6.30pm for wine and nibbles and we will start the AGM at 7.00pm. Our talk is by Kate Stuart-Smith who will present on the gardens at Serge Hill, Bedmond and her work as Joint County Organiser for the National Gardens Scheme (NGS). Tea and Coffee will be available after the talk.
The agenda and AGM details and minutes from last year are all in the attachment.
We are delighted to welcome Kate Stuart-Smith to our AGM on Wednesday 24th April, to give us a talk about the lovely garden at Serge Hill, Bedmond, Hertfordshire and the work of the National Garden Scheme. (NGS)
Serge Hill Project.
Some of our members will be familiar with the garden being so close to us at Bedmond. Kate is always busy in the garden or in helping to arrange open gardens under the National Gardens Scheme, as she is a joint County Organiser.
The AGM will be at the Thomas Field Hall next to Little Gaddesden Church. Doors open at 6.30pm and wine and cheese will be served, we plan a fairly short section on VPA matters and will then move on to Kate’s presentation, c. 30 mins and time for questions, after which tea and coffee will be available.
We look forward to seeing you. If you would like to find more information on Kate please click on the link below.
Don’t forget our PLANT SALE on Sunday May 19th at 10am at the Village Hall car park. We would welcome donations of plants so:-
With seedlings ‘Please sow an extra tray for the VPA’
Have you too many of something, or need to create some space for something new, if so split up the plants or pot up the spares and bring them along on the day (or before if you cannot make the day itself). Plant donations can be left with Kate Filippidis at Christmas House, (left hand side as you head along the road towards Ringshall, or at the VPA store. More details on the arrangements for donations will be provided in the week before the sale. Please label up your plant donations so people know which plants/seedlings they are.
Just a reminder that our Plant Sale is on Sunday May 19th at the Village Hall car park, details nearer the time but this is our usual request to plant an extra tray or two when you do your seeds and donated excess seedlings and plants will be very gratefully received on Plant Sale day. Many thanks.
We are delighted to welcome Kate Stuart-Smith to our AGM this year, to give us a talk about the lovely garden at Serge Hill, Bedmond, Hertfordshire and the work of the National Garden Scheme. (NGS)
Serge Hill Project.
Some of our members will be familiar with the garden being so close to us at Bedmond. Kate is always busy in the garden or in helping to arrange open gardens under the National Gardens Scheme, as she is a joint County Organiser.
The AGM will be at the Thomas Field Hall next to Little Gaddesden Church. Doors open at 6.30pm and wine and cheese will be served, we plan a fairly short section on VPA matters and will then move on to Kate’s presentation, c. 30 mins and time for questions, after which tea and coffee will be available.
We look forward to seeing you. If you would like to find more information on Kate please click on the link below.
We have received a very kind offer of free training on phone photography and phone videography for our members.
Phil Richardson our Photography judge at the recent VPA shows is offering free places on his course on 23rd March starting at the Village VPA store next to the Village Hall and then walking around the village. We have a few spaces still available if you would like to apply and he has widened the offer to all our members not just show entrants.
There will be two sessions, one on Photography starting at 9am finishing at 11.15am and one on video starting at 11.20am finishing 1.30pm. You can join one or both sessions, just sign up by giving your name and email address on the blog link below. (It asks for your VPA membership number but we don’t have those so just say which sessions you would like to join.) Each session is limited to 8 people (previously 6) and is on a first come first serve basis, so reserve your place now! Click on Melen Training next to the VPA logo on this blog link.
We have received a very kind offer of free training on phone photography and phone videography for our members.
Phil Richardson our Photography judge at the recent VPA shows is offering free places on his course on 23rd March starting at the Village VPA store next to the Village Hall and then walking around the village. We have a few spaces still available if you would like to apply and he has widened the offer to all our members not just show entrants.
There will be two sessions, one on Photography starting at 9am finishing at 11.15am and one on video starting at 11.20am finishing 1.30pm. You can join one or both sessions, just sign up by giving your name and email address on the blog link below. (It asks for your VPA membership number but we don’t have those so just say which sessions you would like to join.) Each session is limited to 8 people (previously 6) and is on a first come first serve basis, so reserve your place now! Click on Melen Training next to the VPA logo on this blog link.
Thanks for all your entries, we are looking forward to seeing you later.
Children under 16, don’t forget to bring your Pets.
Bring along your entries between 8.45am and 10.45am, judging begins at 11am.
Doors will open to the public for viewing at 2.30pm, which is when the Pets are due on stage. We will also have tea, coffee and cake and a great raffle.