Hi to all our members and friends of the VPA
The new Committee has done a great job in getting everything ready for Saturday and all we need now are lots of entries. We are hoping that every household will contribute to a bumper show. You can make your entry online of course on the web site www. lgvpa.org or collect an entry form from the shop or a committee member and drop them into Alastair Greene at 1 Pond Lane or Janet Stinton at 5 Ringshall Cottages.
Our photographic judge has offered some 1:1 sessions as prizes so get your photos in.
We can’t wait to display some lovely handicraft for you (not in the competition of course, just exhibits), and we are looking forward to seeing your children’s craft exhibits and all the lovely baked items.
So let us know what you are planning to enter by completing the entry form by Wednesday night and the Village Hall will be ready for you to bring the items along between 9am and 11am on Saturday 4th Feb. Judging will then take place, doors will re-open at 2.30pm and prizes including some generously donated raffle prizes will all be presented around 3.30pm by our very own County. Cllr. Terry Douris.
If you have any queries about the show please call June Abraham on 07760 144057