Potato picture

ONLY £2:50 a bag
Cheaper than the garden centres!

First Earlies to plant around late March
Pentland Javelin (good all-round eating and can be used as show potato)
• Winston (good all-round eating and can be used as show potato)

Second Earlies plant early to mid-April
Maris Peer (good all-round eating and can be used as show potato)
• Charlotte (salad potato)

Main Crop plant mid to late April
• Cara (good all-round eating and can be used as show potato)
• King Edward (good all-round eating and can be used as show potato)
• Pink Fir Apple (salad potato)

The seed potatoes come in a 2kg pack ready for you to plant.
Potatoes couldn’t be easier to grow, they can go direct into your garden, or you can have them in tubs, plastic bags, or any container you can find!

Fill with compost and place the seed potatoes on top. Keep them watered and fertilised and you will be able to have fresh potatoes within 3-4 months.
Please visit the VPA store – Sundays 10:12
or contact

Winter Show – Saturday, 12th February 2022

The Winter Show is back on 12th February after missing out last year and we are keen to have as many entries as possible and to get that village feel-good factor going again.

We will have all your usual favourites, Vegetables, Floral Art, Photography, Children’s Classes, Pets, Preserves, Wines & Spirits & Cookery including of course the Gentleman’s Cake Class.

The show schedule explaining all the classes and including the online entry form is now available on the Winter Show page of the website. Entries need to be in by midnight on 9th Feb.

Continue reading “Winter Show – Saturday, 12th February 2022”



Your VPA Committee are keen to hold the Winter Show again, covid prevented us last year, so we are seeking your feedback and support to make a success of it. Of course we will make it a ‘safe’ event so that everyone feels comfortable in taking part whether that be making entries, helping on the day or just enjoying viewing everyone’s hard work!

Continue reading “WINTER SHOW 2022”

The Big Harvest Supper and Quiz night

Saturday October 2nd. 6:30pm

The VPA are delighted to welcome you back to the quiz night in the village hall.

A three course Harvest Supper, a welcoming glass of Prosecco (non-alcoholic alternative) and a quiz together with the usual raffle – all for £20 per head. 

Quiz master Richard Abraham, quiz host Shaun McCarthy will run the quiz, Janet the raffle and Julia Maddox the catering.

This year it is a bring your own drink event.

So, it is tables of eight but if you haven’t got an eight we will be able to create a team for you to join, so whether you are singles, couples or full teams, buy your tickets now to avoid missing out on the night.

Tickets can be purchased from Alastair Greene 843667 (please leave a message on the answerphone), June Abraham (07760 144057);; payment by cash or bank transfer to Sort code: 090151 ; Account number: 48549306; Account name: Gaddesden District Village Produce. (Give your surname as the reference and the word ‘Quiz’)

We look forward to hearing from you ASAP, it is just five weeks away so reserve your tickets now and mark your diary as busy!

Any special dietary requirements please advise when purchasing tickets; where possible send details to:

As always we will observe government covid guidelines for events. 

and the winners are….

Congratulations to Mandy Haynes for a marvellous 4.4Kg in the adult section and even more applause for Ollie & Chloe Paterson of Ashridge Farm for a collosal 6.0 Kg in the junior section. Tip here was to grow them in a tyre, plant them in good manure based soil and and water regularly!

Mandy, winner of the adult section
Ollie and Chloe, winners of the junior section
Pom holding up some of the crop
Great display of clean and consistent size spuds from Jean Smith
Val and Jeremy at the weigh in

Thanks to everyone for taking part, we had 70 entries and whilst not everyone lasted the course, in fact some dug them up and ate them prior to the weigh in! it was a lot of fun, with some intra family competition too. Good entries from the Hobleys and the Wise Family. Hope you like the photos.

Weigh in on Sunday morning for the Potato Growing Competition

On Sunday morning, 15th August, 10am to 12 noon in the Village Hall car park we will be doing the weigh in to see who has won prizes for their potato growing skills. You remember we gave you 6 seed potatoes for £1 and the winners (an Adult and a Junior prize) will be the growers who have achieved the greatest weight from their original 6 seed potatoes.

So it is time to harvest those spuds, dig them up and let’s see what you’ve got, who knows what is going on under the surface! Bring them all along the tiddly ones and the big fellas, the beautiful ones and the ugly ones!

See you Sunday

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Summer Newsletter

Thank you so much for your generous plant donations for the Plant Sale. It was a very successful event, good attendance, good income, £837, and so nice for folk to meet up in a safe way for a chat and catch up and the bonus of good weather on the day!

Big thanks to Sue Godar for coordinating the event and to all those who helped on the day.

The Committee feel that it is too soon to have everyone meeting in close proximity for the Summer Show, it would be very difficult to put in place all the measures to make it 100% safe, so we have decided not to have the show in August but aim for the Winter Show now, when hopefully all will be well again.

That means for those in the VPA Great Potato Growing Competition we will have a weigh in on Sunday 15th August in the car park or Store. We do hope that your potatoes are looking good, lots of healthy growth. I guess not too long now until they need to be harvested. Don’t forget there are prizes for the greatest weight from the 6 seed potatoes you started with.

Another reason why we would struggle with the summer show this year is that we have recently lost two of our Committee members, so we are down to a core of five regular committee members and following on from previous pleas we really need help from members either to join the committee or to support the committee for particular events. This might be as simple as setting up tables in the hall, acting as a Steward for a particular class of entry e.g. Cookery, Photography, or flower arranging, taking money on the door, serving tea and cakes etc. There are loads of little tasks to be done, please let us know that you are willing to step up.

If you would like to help then please contact any of the Committee. We have a very successful Association with 200 member households, great store takings, fun events but the events only happen if people step forward and give a little of their time, so please help us make a continuing success of the VPA.

Just to let you know the Committee is seeking quotes for a replacement roof to the store, we occasionally suffer from leaks and we would like better insulation and modern LED lighting. More about that in the next newsletter.

Look forward to seeing you in the store, Happy Gardening.

Your VPA Committee

June Abraham

Alastair Greene

Stuart Buchanan-Barrow

Lin Underwood

Janet Stinton