All you need to do is purchase 6 seed potatoes from the VPA shop for £1, then its down to each grower. Potatoes are easy to grow, either in the ground of course but if you don’t have the room then large containers can work well, they can even be grown in a bin bag providing you give it drainage and some support.
The winner will be the entry that has generated the greatest weight of new spuds from the original 6.
If you would like to take part then either pop down to the VPA shop (open Sunday mornings 10-12am) and buy your potatoes there or you can order from Alastair (843667) who will deliver to your home. Get in quick whilst stocks last.

Multiple entries from a household are welcomed, get the whole family competing with each other. Up to you what soil you put them in, how you water them, where you give them the best exposure to the sunshine and how you encourage them to be the winning entry!
Growing instructions are given with each entry and are set out below also.

We already have our first participants signed up and we would love you all to take part. We will have a grand weigh in at this year’s Summer Show to determine the winner (alternative arrangements will be made if we can’t run the show but we are hopeful this year that the show will go on).
So get growing everyone!