Hi to all our members and a special welcome to those who have just joined the VPA in the last few weeks.
Call for Volunteers
We at the VPA have been looking keenly ahead to when our days become more normal. We hope you have enjoyed the small events that we have been able to offer throughout these strange times. We are trying hard to keep up the various events that we have traditionally undertaken such as the Village Summer and Winter Shows. We are also keen to offer a wider variety of Pop-Up events but we are struggling. We are unable to print the average age of the committee but suffice it to say neither age nor health are on our side!
The next planned VPA event, apart from the AGM (on 20th April, 7pm by zoom, details will be sent out in advance) will hopefully be our Annual Plant Sale on 23rd May which Sue Godar has kindly offered to coordinate for us again this year. Feedback from our sale last year was amazing, as we had been able to offer you all a well organised, socially distanced event. We would struggle to be able to do this again without some help from our members. We desperately need helpers and we would not ask too much of you. You do not have to be a garden expert to volunteer. All we need is a few hours of your time.
If you think that you would like to volunteer please contact any of the members of the committee* or pop into the store on a Sunday morning.
*See our website lgvpa.org
Plant Sale donations for 23rd May
An additional request from the Committee to all its members is to add a few seeds for the VPA when you start sowing and if you are dividing plants or removing some to make way for others, then we would be delighted for your plant donations, hold on to them until we give you the event details.
Great Potato Growing Competition
We have had a super response with loads of entries, so good luck to you all with your prep and planting.
Membership renewal
No action required until April 1st, 75% of our members are now on standing order arrangements which makes it easy to manage for the Committee, a reminder will be sent out nearer the time. If you are not sure if you have an automated payment in place email Alastair Greene at membership@LGVPA.org. If you have new neighbours moving in please help promote the VPA and encourage them to join one of the great village institutions.
RHS discounted entry tickets
We have two tickets that give a member and an adult guest 30% off entry to the RHS gardens of Wisley, Harlow Carr, Rosemoor and Hyde Hall. (see all garden links below).
Please call Alastair Greene 843667 or any Committee member if you wish to borrow them.
RHS Garden Wisley : Days and events in Surrey / RHS Gardening,
RHS Garden Harlow Carr | Events & attractions in Harrogate, Yorkshire / RHS Gardening
RHS Garden Rosemoor | Fun, family days out & events in North Devon / RHS Gardening
RHS Garden Hyde Hall | Events & attractions in Chelmsford, Essex / RHS Gardening
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