Don’t forget to get your entry in by Wednesday night!

Hi All

Just a reminder that the show is now less than a week away, (Saturday 19th Aug in the Village Hall)

A member of the VPA fortunately queried an item in the schedule. Unfortunately an error has occurred with class 43. The correction is as follows:

Class 43 : 5 Annuals
Class 43A: 1 vase of pinks

In Class 49 : 1 vase of mixed garden flowers – please display in whatever receptacle you choose (vase, jug or similar).

Summer Show details are on the link below.

VPA Summer Show – Little Gaddesden VPA (

Please check the schedule and see if there are some entries you can make. You can make entries online or if you prefer download an entry form from the web site or pick one up from the Village shop or VPA Store and drop the completed form to Phil Bunting at 9 Cromer Close or Alastair Greene at 1 Pond Lane. Entries need to be with us by 8pm Wednesday 16th August. Don’t forget to notify us of your sunflower entries too, prizes for tallest sunflower and largest sunflower head. Judges will visit your garden on Thursday 17th to measure and record.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 19th, 8.30am to 11am for staging your entry or at 2.30pm when we open for viewing and refreshments. Prizegiving and raffle 3.30ish.