Hello to you all
We hope you are enjoying the summer in your garden.
This is a reminder that our Summer Show is on Saturday 19th August opening at 2.30pm in the Village Hall. Hopefully, the date is already firmly in your diary but please check and plan ahead with all your entries. Exhibitors must submit their entry forms by 8pm Wednesday 16 August. Entries must be brought along and placed in the hall between 8:30am and 11:00am on Saturday 19 August, then all exhibitors must leave the village hall and judging commences.
We would love our 75th Anniversary Show to be the biggest ever in terms of number of entries. If you haven’t entered before this would be a great time to start. All your favourites are there, Vegetables, Flowers, Floral Art, Cookery and Preserves, and of course the Children’s classes.
A special this time is the ‘Tallest Sunflower’ and the ‘Largest Sunflower head’, so keep the sunflowers well supported, well fed and watered and the judges will visit all entrants on Thursday 17th August to measure and take pictures to display at the show.

The schedule of all classes is now available; paper copies are in the Village shop (a blue cover so look out for it to browse through); to view online within our web site click here. VPA Summer Show – Little Gaddesden VPA (lgvpa.org)
The online exhibitor entry form on our web site will be available soon too. In the meantime go through the class options and take a good look around your garden to see how things are coming along.
We will keep you informed when the online entry form is ready. As a reminder, when an online entry is submitted you receive a copy of what you entered by return email so you can easily print it out to have by you when preparing your entries. You can, if you wish, complete the paper entry form and deliver to Alastair Greene or Phil Bunting but keep a copy of what you have chosen to enter.
It’s time to get excited about how things are growing.