A week has gone by already but another successful Summer Show was enjoyed last Saturday.

We all had a good time notwithstanding the very wet day that developed. It was really good to welcome some new exhibitors who had a successful experience, including winning some cups in support of their entries.

The hall was bright and cheerful and a real buzz with, exhibitors bringing their entries, the judges chit chat and expertise, then when you all came to take a look, enjoy the refreshments and see all the winners collect their cups. A real big thank you to everyone, as without your support there would be no show. To see a selection of photographs – and a snappy video! – follow this link to the show page on our website.

Looking forward to the Winter Show on Saturday 8 February 2025 – mark your new diary as soon as you have one.

The annual harvest supper and quiz is on Saturday 28 September 2024. Please get in touch – harvest-supper@lgvpa.org – if you wish to join in and purchase a seat or two or indeed a table of 8 (five tables purchased so far). We have been able to retain the price at £25 per head. We are looking forward to hopefully seeing the hall full to capacity and enjoying a good evening altogether.

Thank you again