Dear Members
It is with very heavy hearts that we have had to take the decision not to go ahead with the Summer Show this year because we simply do not have the capacity to organise everything that is needed for a successful show. The regular Committee members total five, a priority being the store management but a mixture of health issues and personal commitments has just not allowed time for a small group to organise the show due at the end of August. As you know we have called for help many times and without additional support we cannot manage all the events.
Having shared the bad news, looking further ahead is the Harvest Supper and Quiz on Saturday 1 October 2022 which will go ahead. We have started planning this event already and it would be really useful to know how many tables we will need, last year was great fun and a complete sell out so please reserve your seat or tables (tables of 8) at the following email address: We hope pricing will be similar to last year.
We look forward to hearing from you.