VPA Membership Newsletter
Hello to all our members, we hope that everyone is staying safe and keeping well.
As with numerous other gatherings, our AGM can no longer take place so we will keep in touch with periodic news items. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to sign up to our circulation and be VPA connected and indeed members.
Subscription time
Self isolation is a great time to catch up with all those little admin tasks, as well as the garden of course.
So here is an easy admin task. The VPA subscription for 2020-2021 is due on 1st April and as we said last year, thank you so much for all those people who have signed up to the standing order method of payment. Setting up a regular annual payment of £5 to cover your household’s membership, or even paying each year online, is so much easier for the VPA to administer. We now have three quarters of our members paying in this way which is great. The VPA bank details for online payments are as follows:-
Sort Code 09-01-51; Account number 48549306
Please identify yourself with surname and postcode in the reference so I know who has paid the £5
We appreciate however that online banking is not for everyone and cheques or cash still work! If you are writing a cheque please make it payable to ‘Gaddesden District Village Produce Association’. Cheques or cash can be sent or dropped in to any of the Committee Members. The Committee members are nicely distributed for ease of delivery of your subscriptions. As well as your address if you also have an email address please include so I can acknowledge safe receipt promptly.
Alastair Greene, 1 Pond Lane, Hudnall (01442 843667)
Phil Bunting, 9 Cromer Close, (07505 248940)
Stuart Buchanan-Barrow, Shepherds Cottage, Home Farm
June Abraham, Peel House, Church Road (07760 144057)
Alison Townsend, 20 Little Gaddesden
Janet Stinton, 5 Ringshall Cottages
If you are not sure if you have already set up payment on line please email Alastair our Membership Secretary on membership@lgvpa.org and he will be able to confirm.
We are always pleased to welcome new members, if someone has just moved in near you don’t forget to tell them all about the VPA and the events we hold.
Wisley Tickets
Once the madness is over we plan to organise a coach trip to Wisley, taking advantage of our RHS affiliation, we can get free entry for up to 55 people, so we just need to cover the cost of transport. We are hoping we may be able to do it in September whilst the Flower Show is on. Also don’t forget when Wisley reopens we have 2 discount cards that give 30% off entry to RHS gardens and you therefore get the VPA membership fee back in one go if you take advantage of the offer.
Request for support to keep the VPA alive
We very much need volunteers to either join our Committee and/or help support a particular event. Please speak to June Abraham (842951) or for preliminary enquires feel free to make contact at info@lgvpa.org.
Our garden store is next to the village hall and usually opens every Sunday morning. During the current lock down we will try and help with supplies – please make contact with a committee member or email store@lgvpa.org.
In normal times our annual calendar runs along the following lines:
February – Winter Show
April – AGM with a speaker
May – Plant Sale
August – Summer Show
October – Harvest Supper and Quiz